Error Code 5 (missing submission ID )

If you happen to come across a form alert in ExtendedForms, no need to worry! It’s just a preventive step and it won’t affect your current workflow. Follow this 3-step guide to quickly fix the issue.

To reduce impact of error code 5 (missing submission ID). Visit Google Forms, Open addon-sidebar and save settings for more info click_here.

What exactly is Error Code 5?

When setting up a Google form with the Extended Forms Addon, some users encounter an Error, which says “Error Code 5 – Form Misconfiguration Detected.” This happens when the system can’t find the unique ID created by ExtendedForms. ExtendedForms allocates a unique ID in the form of a field to every form for identification purposes, when this ID is deleted or edited the system throws an error as it can’t identify the form. It is always advised to not change, edit, or delete the special field ExtendedForms generates and leave it as it is.

Steps to Fix the Error

Step 1: Goto Google Forms and open the Addons Sidebar

Step 2: Locate and select ExtendedForms and click on “Configure”

Step 3: Hit the Save button in Form Settings and wait for the success message

After successfully saving the form settings, go back to the ExtendedForms Dashboard. The error message will no longer be displayed under Forms.